Re: Horrible Shutter lag
I'm curious about the keys under HKLM/Software/HTC/Camera/Captparam...
there's some separate keys for what looks to be "Burst" and "Sport" modes but of course, there's no mention of them in the apps, and a sport mode would definitely help speed this thing up. That, and who knows what other undocumented keys it may be looking for... I'm gonna try playing around with them, though.
Setting CapKeyDelayTime from 1500 to 0 didn't seem to do anything... the crappy thing is that it does an automatic autofocus between when you hit the button and the shutter snaps, regardless of when it's autofocusing during the preview.
Phone History
Sprint: HTC Touch Pro (w00t!)
Sprint: Samsung Instinct
Verizon: Motorola v325
"Make a u-turn, and then, continue"