Originally Posted by toinejuan
Syanni, it's not all that difficult. The first thing you need to do is enable remote desktop access on your pc, you can do this in the System menu. Secondly you need to obtain your computers ip, if your behind a router, you need to get the actual ip address and go into your port forwarding to setup remote access. If you in your router go to your status menu, and it will give you the computers actual ip address not the 192.168.whatever. Where it says computer, this is where you put in the actual ip address and login name is the name you use on your desktop along with the password. All you have to do is input those and hit connect and waaaalaaaa your good.
ok i got to the point of hitting connect... but now a different error pops up...
this one says: Connection status, likely reasons are : 1. the remote computer is not set up for this. (but it worked when i had it synced with activesync)
2.reached the maximum number of connections
3 a network error occurred while connecting.
this happens everytime i try to connect now... is there a setting somewhere? do i have to put it on the list of accepted devices on my desktop? if so where do i go about doing this?