Originally Posted by [ACL]
wifi was fixed. It was because the sysinit.sh was bombging out.
Well, I have some good news and some bad news. Starting with the good news:
I've been testing new placements for mtdparts, and I think I have regained a ton of space for us
Can someone please try these for the mtdparts?
The bad news:
I just tested grabbing the latest files from autobuild, and I'm having all sorts of issues. Edit: I forgot /sdcard causes issues, so that problem is my own fault. One thing I noticed is since recovery is first in the init, I can't install using install-seq.sh unless recoveryinstall.tgz is not on the sd card which then means I can't install it through the install-seq.sh.
So at this point, I think we might want to swap the order of install-seq.sh script and recovery, and then maybe someone else with a rhod500 can test recovery and let me know if it is working for them.