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Old 02-08-2011, 09:55 PM
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Re: Sprints Annoucement Was...

Originally Posted by WorldWide View Post
I think people are overreacting to this release, yes it was overhyped, yes it's unappealing but people are actually talking about leaving Sprint over this on other sites. Really? You don't have to buy it, it's not the EVO 2 or 2.2 for the Epic so everybody's jumping off the bridge? Pathetic.

Sent from a place where I can't feel my face!
I think people are more upset with sprint being out of touch..all the other carriers are releasing a high end device this quarter and most likely another high end device next quarter..where sprint won't release another device till next quarter..this is bad for sprint because they are going to loose people who have their upgrades come up in Q1 and don't want to wait..

I was hoping sprint this year would get their act together and release a high end phone every quarter like Verizon does and by looks of it T-mobile and ATT are going to do that too..Sprint is the only one stuck trying to make the next iphone wannabe :/
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