sammich has the state callerid fix, but i dont know if that pertains to outbound calling..
i know exactly what your talking about though... anytime i didnt know where a call was from, id just put in the area code and 333-3333 and even without pressing talk, itd show the state..
unfortunately that was lost when i moved to smartphones... theres the link, but it does say "incoming call" but maybe theres more info in there or you can ask there also..
ive also read reference to turning off the HTC dialer SKin and youd get some the the state caller id function back, but ive never actually tried it, as this isnt something i really mind having or not having.. you can disable the dialer skin by going to HKLM\Security\Phone\Skin and change the Enabled to "0", and soft resetting... but again, never tried it so i dont know if the claim has truth..
thats all i got for now lol