Originally Posted by MacWilder
Anything you could tell us how to activate GSM data services on your ROM would be most appreciated. You did not specify a GSM Access Point so it doesn't work. I tried inserting one I found on the net (something similar to gssnint.nextelldata.net) but it didn't work either. Probably there is something else that needs to be changed. I am in Europe now and really feel frustrated.
I would start by going to Sprint's website and following the steps they list for making sure that your phone will work overseas. Here is an example of if you were visiting Germany -
Sprint Lovers 2.5 is built from the oem release and nothing has been removed from the system. If you are having problems with my rom overseas, odds are that you will have problems with the stock rom as well. If you have the stock rom I would advise you to flash to that and see if the problem you are having persists. I cannot offer you further help as I have not traveled to Europe with my phone. I can tell you that Jamacia and Bermuda both worked fine for calls/data.