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Old 07-08-2010, 10:55 AM
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Re: Small Crack Near Power Button (Betcha if you check you'll have one) *With Pic*

Personally I like my phone a lot, even with the hair line crack and would prefer not to exchange it, especially risking getting a refurbished one with serious problems. I baby my phone, have kept it in a protective sleeve since day one. I do not let others touch it, for fear they may be careless since it's not theirs..

I did have one of those semi soft covers from best buys, but that made the power and volume buttons hard to press in because they are covered. Perhaps during this time I may have caused the hairline crack and not noticed it..

Some people reporting cracks on both sides and others adding that their volume area showing similar cracks.

It's a design flaw, a defect Sprint and HTC should be made aware of. So that their new units and customers don't have to deal with it.

Personally I don't mind. But it is Sprint's Flagship phone, their baby, first 4G, they are riding lots on this.. Do they want reason for legitimate owners to hesitate buying one?

The manager at the store I originally pre-ordered mine told me to bring it in, have it checked and I would be put on the exchange waiting list..

Is it really a reason to return and get it exchanged? Perhaps not, but it's a lot to do with personal preference and tolerance.

I've seen people with their screens poping out, power buttons stuck, battery cover falling off. They just electrical tape, double stick tape and push down on what ever's poping up...

30 days, $500 (you are still paying that much or more through your phone plan, so don't kid yourself you only paid $199..)


P.S. I have not experienced any other issues what so ever with my EVO 4G, my battery life has been exceptional. When I see someone post their concern that is not an issue with my unit, I just take note and keep it in mind in case mine does develop it. I don't troll on their issues..
LG V10 LG-H901BK / LG G4 LG-H811LB (Stock) LG-F500L (QHSUSB__BULK Bricked) / Motorola Nexus 6 (rooted) / Sony Xperia Z3 (rooted)

Last edited by clockcycle; 07-08-2010 at 11:24 AM.
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