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Old 06-26-2010, 01:18 PM
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Originally Posted by itony
Originally Posted by Adrianh85 View Post
ok cool cuz the last woman that went threw my phone (i dont lock mine) found my pics of females (in my past) and omg did it open her eye lol
then i nexted her cuz my phone is personal information, like my bank account!!

people who dont understand that need to learn something called respect!! asap!!!
LOL you talk about respect and you're the one with a woman and yet still have pictures of other females seems like you should learn a little about it first and respecting women
How I respect a woman and someone respecting my privacy it two totally different things (also I'm not married so...... ) also if they don't like it I'm not holding them here in this area (dc that is) its like 10 to 1 so in the end ill be alright but if I find one I want to keep things would change but until then.....

Pumping isn't a easy job, but somebody got to do it!!
Besides I'm 24 I'm to young to be looking for marriage (in not ready to be locked down)
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