Originally Posted by Cicatrize
Everyone has the same problem. Some people don't notice it. If you don't, be glad you're not that picky.
Here's a video someone posted up at xda showing what I'm talking about :
here's another: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJsQY6CW08Y&NR=1
Also, I've tested the Multitouch Visual Test on both my Evo and my gf's Hero and hers follows my fingers at least twice as fast as mine does. there is a noticeable lag on the Evo. Input all around is much faster recognized on the Hero than it is on the Evo.
The EVO has a different multi-touch issue that is unacceptable. Wonder if it is the same on the Hero. If you are playing a game and have two points pressed down, and then remove one finger off the screen while keeping the second finger down, the finger that you lifted up will remeain registered until you lift up the other finger as well. So it acts like the screen is still being pushed down even though you removed you finger......
This kind of defeats the purpose of multi-touch and really ruins games and probabaly other things as well......It's like playing a game on WM all over again without mutli-touch capabilities. I thought we were moving forward with the EVO!