Originally Posted by MadSquabbles
some of us noticed that the screen wasn't refreshing properly without numbers. benchmarks just confirmed it.
i noted it in a brief look at the device while i played with it at the sprint store. my two gripes at that time was the "fuzzy" look compared to the droid - lower ppi - and that the scrolling stuttered while i was looking over a web page.
if you don't notice it, then i'm glad you're just an average user that it doesn't bother. like i said in another forum i notice things in print that most people wouldn't even think twice about since i work in print. some of us are a bit more advanced - that's why we got a pda instead of a just a phone.
if i had to make a guess most the people that have no issue with the performance are either coming from a dumb phone or winmo. those are the people who'd probably be happy with a kin if it had a 4 in screen. you don't need a 1ghz processor to tweet how big a dump you took last night.
I beg to differ in that there isn't a Droid phone on Sprint with better resolution than the EVO. I readily and quite easily see individual pixels on the moment and hero- not to mention the poor lighting on the hero. I even see pixels, shockingly enough, on the Incredible.To me the only phone where I don't easily see pixels and one which alot of folks don't give any credit to for superior resolution is the Moto Droid which to me have the most impressive pixel density of any Android phone. BTW, I see pixels immediately with the ERIS.