Originally Posted by Grandmast
This is a sore subject for me. I only read a couple of pages so I'm not sure if someone has posted the issue with "File As" fields yet or not.
I have a ton of business contacts where before I'd have the abbreviation first then the location. Google has taken that to be Location, Abbreviation. So below check out how for example the Western Boulevard Triple A or the Better Business Bureau in New Bern would be imported from Outlook.
AAA, (Western Blvd) to (Western Blvd) AAA or worse Western B AAA.
BBB, New Bern turns to New BBB -- it's just annoying.
I would think there to be some sort of app that makes this a non issue or batch edits. There were tons of contact apps for WinMo and I can't seem to find a decent one for android.
I think you can import a csv file into Gmail, which you can make with Excel. Maybe you can massage it in Excel first to counteract the issue