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Old 02-24-2010, 03:56 PM
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Re: Is there a official 6.5 update for touch pro 2 for sprint

Originally Posted by tx_dbs_tx View Post
get ready to spend more $$$ at Verizon. I switched from verizon to Sprint back in 2008 because Sprint is way better on pricing and you get a lot more for your money.
You don't get anything more but you do get better value for what you're paying. Vzw gives you more, better coverage, visual voicemail, and a company that actaully gives you updates. Hero and moment were out before Droid and Eris, moto Droid just got there 2.1 update and Eris is getting theirs within the next 2 weeks. Hero, moment, and even sprint tp2 nobody knows when those will FINALLY drop. Its up to the consumer to decide what they value.
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