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Old 01-30-2010, 12:07 PM
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Re: My Touch pro2 vs my Nexus on browser comparison

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
this is a retarded statement. correct the android does give you extras that you probably don't need, but trust me alot of them are very helpful (ie: pandora app, google goggles, google sky, nba gametime ( i love the nba), this list could go on forever, but thats not my point. There is nothing you can do on the tp2 easier than you can with ANY droid. Like i said the only advantages of winmo 6.anything is word, excel, and powerpoint and if you're not using those android does everything else better then winmo, faster then winmo, and it looks nicer then winmo. I'm not saying the droids do more but they make the samethings just look better and faster even if it isn't a nexus. The fact that anybody keeps comparing winmo6 to the android os is just deceiving themselves and need to get with the times. if winmo 6 was so great we wouldn't all be waiting for winmo 7 so please stop pretending winmo 6 is even close to the android os. my girls hero works faster and has better web browsing then my tp2, my tp2 is now a paper weight.
Preach on P-Slim. The whole point of having people Hard SPL their phones and install ROMS like Mighty and Energy is because WinMo sucks so bad. Even HTC Sense was made just to hide WinMO's ugliness. All I can say, is I can't wait for my Nexus to arrive. So how do you like yours so far? This is my last weekend with the TP2 and off to ebay it goes.
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