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Old 12-14-2009, 09:28 PM
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Re: [APP][11/21/2009] TouchOne 0.1.3a - (WVGA/VGA/QVGA/WQVGA)

Originally Posted by estuardo View Post

I also have a Treo pro and I believe the icons are just fine. Please don't change the icons to VGA size. I had Androkkit installed before and one of the reasons I change it for Touchone were the size of the icons. Androkkit ones are VGA size and look enormous on the Treo screen.

Also, just a bug to report. I'm using version 6.5.1 of the OS and every time I launch a program, it goes to the background, with Touchone being at the front, so I have to use the Task Manager program to focus on the app I want to use. It does it every time. The problem lies in the apps or tasks that are not listed on the Task Manager. For example, I cannot change the screen from Touchone to the Remove Programs Panel when I'm removing programs nor I can change the screen when I'm installing programs. I have to go to Today and uncheck Touchone, and then remove or install a cab.

But anyway, I use it daily and I'm not planning on remove it. It is a great Today plugin.

Thank you for your help.

This may be fixed in the next version that will be released on saturday. Try it then.
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