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Old 11-16-2007, 09:41 PM
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xv6700 as-is sale

Hi Mike,
Looking to sell my 6700, check my posts, you'll get a good idea of what is wrong and what I did. It is now stuck in "tap" sceen, this after a new ROM but most guys don't think the ROM did it. I reflashed many times down to stock and back to wm6. I bought the phone on ebay, wanted to flash it before I turned it on so I could make sure I woked out the bugs. I need my PDA for work and really want MS Onenote as I use a tablet also.
The phone looks good cosmeticly, it comes with the phone, the battery and the back, that it. Some guys think it needs a new touch screen but I am DONE with this. I would like to get in the $125 range + shipping, to recapture some of my money. I also want to restate it is AS-IS and I never turned it on to my service and used it so I can't honestly say anything else.
Thanks, Mark

Last edited by lowestpricecopiers; 11-16-2007 at 09:54 PM.
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