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Old 08-28-2009, 06:05 PM
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Re: Verizon “accidently” removed my Sprint - Touch Pro from their network

man... i dont dont have an answer for you, but that sucks.. i seriously feel for ya honestly.. their not trying to offer u a VZW one r they? thatd be like salt on a wound right there...

do u have a backup device?? this could become an extremely benficial situation for you!!!

for real, screw the TP... u prob want a TP2 or Omina2 or Pro anyways right?? well here ya go, their handing it to you on a silver platter really... even if you dont have a backup, tell them youll take the cheapest or freeest phone they have for now... but you want CREDIT and NOTES in the system... this is screaming new phone man, just a matter of how long can u wait???

yeah yeah yeah, another kinda scam thing... not really though.. and in this case, if they really wont or cant get ur TP back on VZW, then they freakin deserve it anyways

**edit** or you could tell em you want out of your contract without ETFs, now your free to go anywhere and get the new customer prices
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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