Thanks for the input guys. I did call back and inquire about suspending the contract which costs $5.95 a month. You can suspend your account for up to a year. My 2 yr. contract was opened on 5/30/07 with the ppc6700. I bought a Mogul from Sprint a couple of months ago for $399 (so-called discounted price) after retentions got ahold me when I requested to cancel. of 5 minutes ago...Sprint says that my 2 yr. obligation to them still ends on 5/30/08...but seems to me I remember the rep. saying something about an extended obligation for activating / switching a new phone on my account. If Sprint sticks with my end date of 5/30/08 it would only cost me about $42 to suspend my account and then cancel it on 5/30/08. Sounds to good to be true!