Here's my set up. It's just for music, I'm not using GPS, and if the phone rings, I pull the plug and put phone to ear. Still, this may be useful to somebody?
I'm using one of the Y adaptors that came in the box with my Sprint Touch. It's the one that has mini-USB and 2.5 mm audio. There's a 90° L-shape 2.5 to 3.5 adaptor plugged into the Y with a little spacer I built by cutting off a short length of plastic tubing. The spacer is needed to get full 3-contact stereo without contacting the microphone terminal. From there the 3.5 plug goes to a 4.1 surround sound system, the multi-media type, but one that uses a 12 volt DC supply so I could replace it's AC converter with the car's electric power. You can probably guess where the 2 wires out of the cig lighter Y go to, one powers the 4.1 output, the other charges Touch.