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  #16091 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2009, 07:59 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Originally Posted by tkedch View Post
Does anyone have an idea as to how to create a new footprint location? I just ended up with a bunch of GPS pictures, but I don't know how exactly to make them into those slides that come default to 2.5. Excuse my noobie question..... hahahaha
I posted this as a link last night but here's nrgz post from the Raph xda manila 2.5 thread:

Here's a list of issues this ROM has.

1. Texting is weird and a pain. This is due to the new, stupid, built in htc messaging app Jataayu made for HTC. Unfortunately it's a necessary evil with Manila 2.5. Use the 'disable' cab found in this thread to disable it and use the built in WinMo pocket outlook to SMS.

2. Footprints doesnt work IN ANY custom ROMs. Why ? Because the footcam.exe file required for it to take "footprints pictures" is designed for the Leo and doesn't work on any other device. I made a workaround to open the existing camera and take a GPS photo that you could use in footprints, but you have to MANUALLY move that picture in the Footprints folder.
As far as I know, I'm the only guy to have this workaround in my ROM as I'm the one that came up with this "fix".

3. Shortcuts on the homescreen are strange and dont always work as intended. I blame the porting job on this one. I never had problems with them in my WVGA ROMs.

4. Ezinputsettings.exe cant be launched from the settings screen. Manila 2.5 is expecting ezinput 2.1 which is not present in this ROM. 1.5 is cooked in to stay compatible with the Fuze's keyboard. You can install your own Ezinput 2.1 if you want.

5. Weather animations are slow. Yes... they're slow on any 2.5 ROM. Why ? Manila 2.5 is designed to work okay on a 1 Ghz processor. We have half of that on our phones.

6. The settings of homebackground pictures is broken and is broken in WVGA ROMs as well. You can however still set one if you really play with it. (that didnt sound right, I know.. lol)

7. The transparent slider icons overlap sometimes. I know... it was my best effort at making one and *I* can live with it. If you can't.. use my "restore to stock" cabs.

It's from the Nov 4 version, I think. I think most of this applies to us, though SMS is great in the latest release.

Originally Posted by johnmclin View Post
I am running Nov. 5th 21864. Can anyone elaborate on what is the reason windows live will not function now. Are there any options for hotmail integration other than going to website now.
Why? Dunno. The workaround for hotmail is setting it up as a pop account. The process is listed in Threefaces guide, in my sig.

Originally Posted by aman1127 View Post
i just noticed an issue with creating a new contact. It wont save the name. Did i miss the fix? sorry if i did guys
Try setting it up through Start/Contacts. Havent tested it yet but I know trying to set ringtones through Touchflo wont take.

EDIT: Yup, just tested it and I think its touchflo. use start/contacts and you should be good.

Even after installing the EZ Input fix my Fn and Shift keys are gettin funky-and not in a good way, just a heads up.

@pea-who needs sleep when there's BEAN JUICE

Last edited by iknowsquat; 11-06-2009 at 08:33 AM.
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  #16092 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2009, 08:23 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

23081/2.5 Battery life is horrible. I took my phone off the charger at 6:10am and at 7:20am I'm at 84%. Granted I've been playing a little more than usual because of the new ROM and 2.5, but still. I'm assuming it has something to do with 2.5 being so massive. I'm also not used to NRG ROMs and all the added fluff. They probably run a little higher than I'm used to anyway. What's anyone else on that ROM looking like as far as battery life?
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  #16093 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2009, 08:29 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

I have done testing on my device and have found out that some of the 2.5 .cabs actually ruins the sms/mms. I installed the white flip clock for 2.5 and could not send out a message all night. once i uninstalled it and reset. My messages started working again w/no problem.

Using the Nov 4, 23081 build
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  #16094 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2009, 08:32 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Originally Posted by vernonlbrown View Post
I have done testing on my device and have found out that some of the 2.5 .cabs actually ruins the sms/mms. I installed the white flip clock for 2.5 and could not send out a message all night. once i uninstalled it and reset. My messages started working again w/no problem.

Using the Nov 4, 23081 build
Interesting... I use the white fllip clock cab and haven't noticed that. What happened when you tried to send a text?

Anyone on 23081/2.5 able to change the SIP? If so, how?
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  #16095 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2009, 08:37 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

So i know the leo has no landscape but does anyone know if a manilla 2.5 by nrg that will support landscape... Future Releases maybe?
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  #16096 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2009, 08:50 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Originally Posted by winmonewbie View Post
The workaround for hotmail is setting it up as a pop account. The process is listed in Threefaces guide, in my sig.
Will there be a fix for Windows Live? Setting up Hotmail as a pop 3 account doesnt allow push email or folder synchronization. As much as I love this new rom it will eventually be a deal breaker for me as I need push email and my email folder structures.

Has this always been an issue with NRG roms? I had the same issue with SSK roms but someone posted a different version of Windows Live and it worked. (I have tried that version with NRG and it doesnt work)
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  #16097 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2009, 09:00 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Nov 5th build question. If this has been addressed, I'm sorry for the duplicate question, but YouTube will open, but all videos I attempt to play generate and error message saying "Cannot play this video." Any suggestions?
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  #16098 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2009, 09:03 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Does NRG post any of his older ROMs anywhere? I know he doesn't want people mirroring them or hosting them. I would like to go back to one of his 2.1 manila roms. Preferably his last stable rom...

I love this new 2.5 but its still buggy as we all know.
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  #16099 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2009, 09:15 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Originally Posted by Velvis View Post
Will there be a fix for Windows Live? Setting up Hotmail as a pop 3 account doesnt allow push email or folder synchronization. As much as I love this new rom it will eventually be a deal breaker for me as I need push email and my email folder structures.

Has this always been an issue with NRG roms? I had the same issue with SSK roms but someone posted a different version of Windows Live and it worked. (I have tried that version with NRG and it doesnt work)
While I appreciate your vote of confidence as I am not the Chef I can not know what will/wont be fixed. Logging into Windows Live has not been an issue before. I base that on My Phone log in since I dont use push mail.

@ All-please remember thr 2.5 ROMs are NOT intended for daily use yet. Consider them BETAS if you will. Incredibly finished, awesome Betas but still not ready for Prime Time.
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  #16100 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2009, 09:19 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

hye guys. ive been trying to follow this thread now for a bit. So much going on hehehe. Is anyone having trouble accessing hotmail. I cant access it on my phone with the new energy rom both 21864 and 23081. When i add it it start running the windows live program setup. then when it gets to step 3. it closes itself and thats it.

thanks guys.

Thanks nrg for a great rom
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