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Old 05-28-2009, 03:54 PM
da_reeseboy's Avatar
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Location: Newnan, GA
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da_reeseboy is still contributing even after becoming a VIPda_reeseboy is still contributing even after becoming a VIPda_reeseboy is still contributing even after becoming a VIPda_reeseboy is still contributing even after becoming a VIPda_reeseboy is still contributing even after becoming a VIPda_reeseboy is still contributing even after becoming a VIPda_reeseboy is still contributing even after becoming a VIPda_reeseboy is still contributing even after becoming a VIPda_reeseboy is still contributing even after becoming a VIPda_reeseboy is still contributing even after becoming a VIPda_reeseboy is still contributing even after becoming a VIP
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ROM Downloads

28014 ROM w/WM7 titanium interface
28014 ROM w/standard titanium interface

28011 ROM w/WM7 titanium interface
28011 ROM w/standard titanium interface

28005 ROM w/standard titanium interface
28005 ROM w/WM7 titanium interface

21882 Loaded ROM with SenseUI, Opera 10, EzInput 2.1... Loaded - not recommended at this time... very buggy

28002 Loaded Generic ROM w/WM7 Titanium
28002 Loaded Generic ROM w/standard titanium
- Jesse
My Diamond wm6.5 ROM
If I've helped, please click

Last edited by da_reeseboy; 12-17-2009 at 10:36 PM.
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