Wow I just stumble upon this over at xda. going to give it a shot.
I just love how 6.5 panels are progressing!
Oh yeah Back up your chrome registry before testing.
[7th May 09][WM6.5] Titanium ArteseaTwitter v0.2 WM6.5 Titanium ArteseaTwitter
Version 0.2 - AVAILABLE
WVGA and **VGA** Supported
Update 7th May 09 VGA now supported, if you had previously downloaded the ZIP (even though it wouldn't work), please do it again. No other changes.
Having self taught myself MortScript in the last 24 hours I've decided to try and create a Titanium Twitter app. Unlike those already there, this one actually displays the 10 most recent tweets from your friends.
Features:- Displays the 10 most recent tweets on your Titanium Home Screen
- Displays the avatars of your friends
- Allows you to update your status
- Tweets which contain URLs can be launched in the Default Browser by clicking on them