Since there are quite a few differences between the WM 6.1 Taskbar files and WM 6.5 taskbar I have created a new thread dedicated to WM 6.5 and the taskbar. This will not be as technical as my previous taskbar thread. For methods on how to edit a dll, what a dll looks like, how to replace files and so forth please refer to this thread Please remember this is a work in progress since WM 6.5 is new so there are going to be a few issues at first but we will work around it.
Here is the rundown of the basic files:
- shellres.192.dll: Signal bars, sync icons, Wifi, 3g (G, Ev, 3G, H, E, 1x) syncing+receiving data icons, battery Icons
- tapres.192.dll: controls G, Ev, 3G, H, E, 1x
- HTCVolumecontrol.dll : Volume icons
- Outres.192.dll : Message icons
- Notify.dll.0409.mui : Alarm icon
- GPSAux.dll : QuickGPS Icon
- notify.dll.0409.mui: Alarm
- PictureMailRes.dll: Picture Mail
- tshers.192.dll: New Network Detected (WiFi)
- VoiceCmdRes.dll: Voice Command
- WLMMessengerResources.192.dll: Windows Messanger
For the Bluetooth Icon - There are two bmps that WM 6.5 uses to display the BT & headset icons on the Transparent home screen. One is the standard file, i.e. "BT On Mode.bmp", and the other is a background file, "BT On Mode Mask.bmp". The Mask file is the negative/transparent background of the regular file. The Mask files will need to be provided along with the other files in order for the BT top bar icons to display correctly on the standard transparent home screen. Otherwise, the system will use the previous (stock) Mask file, which cause the distorted image.
Originally Posted by Captain_Throwback
As an addendum to my previous find, I believe that a side effect of anyone using the stock WM6.5 dialer along with tsowen's of 12aon's taskbars will be that the Bluetooth icon will not display in the taskbar.
The reason for this is that each of their taskbars includes phcanOverbmp.dll, which seems to override the BT icon info in the shellres.192.dll. This dll looks for the BT icon bitmaps in the \Windows folder (both the icon, and the Mask background file), and in the absence of the Mask bitmap, on the standard home screen, no icon will be displayed.
I can confirm this because I tried deleting the "Mask" bitmap files prior to cooking my ROM, thinking that it would just use the regular bitmap files, but instead, I have no BT icon show up on the top bar.
If you are not using the HTC Dialer, I recommend following tsowen's suggestion regarding the battery icons. This may also correct the BT icon issue, since I don't think those bitmaps are part of the standard 6.5 install. Someone who is using the stock dialer will have to test it, though.
So maybe its a good idea to have 2 separate taskbar versions after all - one for people using the HTC dialer (including phcanOverbmp.dll), and one for those using the stock dialer (using phcanbattery.dll). Of course, we still have to work out all the kinks, yet. But progress is definitely being made  .
Known differences with WM 6.5 - most everything now is controlled in the shellres.192.dll file such as battery, signal bars (GSM) and your GSM network icons 3G, E, H and G. WM 6.5 does not come with a phcanOverbmp.dll but will read it with the correct registry edits. Some taskbar developers are choosing to use it Since HTC used the the phcanOverbmp.dll to skin the pin dialer and add extra icons to the taskbar. You will need to place the following registry edits into your phone or if your a developer into your cab in order to have it read correctly:
Work around for the battery images since WM 6.5 they are located in the shellres but only 11 icons are included so for those who wish not to use the phcanOverbmp.dll due to the dialer skin take the old phcanOverbmp.dll and delete all the bmp's and icons other than the battery images which should be 101 images starting with Icon Group 1001 now save the file as phcanBattery.dll make sure your registry is set as below:
"BatteryIconIdStart"=dword:000003e9 (Hex) or 1001 (Dec)
"BatteryIconLevels"=dword:00000065 (Hex) or 101 (Dec)
Make sure you double check and you deleted everything out of the .dll other than the battery images. Tried the above mentioned technique and it worked correctly.
Below you will find the "STOCK" WM 6.5 dll's associated with the taskbar
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