Thread: Manila 2D!
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Old 09-14-2008, 02:42 AM
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Re: Manila 2D!

Thanks to Rictheif over at xda I got the last 2 fcomponents working. As of 558 a.m. EST the app was only 96% funtional excluding the Youtube plugin and the Audio Manager. Thats all a thing of the past.

Firstly, you must have the latest XDA- Team build of Manila installed on your device. Then follow the below instructions.


To get Youtube functioning you have to download and install the Youtube cab, then using a Regeditor navigate HKLM/Software/HTC/Manila/InternetWidget/Customized/0/ make sure that CustomizationURL Value Data is Windows\youtube.exe then make sure that CustomizationIcon Value Data is Windows\HH_INTERNET_YOUTUBE.bmp.

To make the Audio Manager work you have to install an older version of HTC Audio Manager and the OX_ Audio Manager cab. After doing both of these soft reset and it should work like a charm.

Note: The Audio Manger will keep searching initially but after about 4-5 minutes just tap the music note on the launcher line and the music should then pop up. Files attatched. good luck and as always enjoy!
Attached Files
File Type: zip Manila 2DYT& (5.32 MB, 185 views) Click for barcode!
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