****ROOTING AFTER OTA 1.47.651.1 (Full Root)**** Thanks to SteelH @ XDA
This is for Full Root access after someone has applied the OTA 1.47.651.1. If you accepted the OTA or it was done for you when you bought your phone, use this guide. To check which version you're on, go to Menu>Settings>About Phone>Software Information>Software Number. If it says "1.47.651.1" this guide is for you.
If you're on version "1.32.651.1" or "1.32.651.6" then use the ****ROOTING Part I and Part II (Full Root)**** instructions in section 1 & 2 of the first post.
NOTE: Yes there are a lot of steps. Read through them once before you try it. The only tricky part is step 5Q. I actually had to reboot my phone and do 5Q again because I was too slow the 1st attempt. Other than that step, it's all pretty easy.
Before you start
Before you start anything, your phone needs to be able to connect to the pc. If you haven't done so before, install HTC Sync. There is a folder on the sdcard that contains a version of HTC Sync or you can download a newer version from their site. It doesn't matter which version because you're not going to use it. We just need the drivers installed so the phone can communicate with the PC.
Next, make sure "USB Debugging" is turned
Menu>Settings>Applications>Development>USB Debugging
If it's turned on, every time you connect your phone to the PC, you'll see "
/!\ USB Debugging connected" in the notifications on the phone.
Items you'll need
eng-PC36IMG.zip -
Mirror 1 - (Rename this "PC36IMG.zip" and place it on your sdcard)
Rooting OTA Files.zip - This zip contains 5 files you will extract to your sdcard (flash_image, mtd-eng.img, part1, part2, recovery.img)
Now you sdcard should have these files -

evo-recovery - Extract this folder to your C:\ drive so you should see C:\evo-recovery
4- Any custom rom you want to load. If you don't want a custom rom, then at least install the rooted version of the Sprint Rom
--> here <-- (place this rom on your sdcard too)
Section 5 -
5A) Connect your EVO to the PC and select "disk drive" so that you can see your storage card from the "My Computer" window
5B) Copy the file PC36IMG.zip to the storage card. Don't unzip it and don't put it in a folder. Just copy the files.
5C) Take the "Rooting OTA files.zip" you downloaded and unzip all 5 files to the storage card. Don't put them in a folder.
At this point, you should have 6 new files on your storage card as shown in the picture above under items needed.
5D) Select Menu>Settings>Privacy>Factory data reset>Reset phone>Erase everything
Now you're phone is being reset. Once you're back to the home screen, continue to the next step (you don't need to fill in your account info, just skip past the setup to get to the home screen)
5E) Connect the EVO to the pc and select "Charge Only"
Note: Make sure you have USB Debugging turn on
Menu>Settings>Applications>Development>USB Debugging
5F) Open a "run" window by hitting the Windows key + "R" in the command line type (or cut/paste)
then hit "OK"
5G) In the window that opens, type (or cut/paste this)
Now you should be a prompt that says "c:\evo-recovery>"
5H) Now type (or cut/paste this)
Now you should be a "$" prompt
5I) Now
type (do not cut/paste this)
If you typed it correctly, you won't see any changes and the line will just repeat once, when you hit enter.
Then you will get a message that says "power down your phone from the power menu and re-run"
5J) Power-off your phone by holding the power-button for several seconds. The top choice is "Power Off." At this point, DO NOT TURN THE PHONE BACK ON!
On your pc you should have the cmd window open and once the phone is off, you will be at the "c:\evo-recovery>" prompt again. This next step will help you later. Do it now, while the phone is off, and it will make things easier later on.
5K) At the "c:\evo-recovery>" prompt,
type (do not cut/paste this)
adb-windows shell /data/local/part2
Because the phone is off, this will not work. You should get a message that says "error: device not found"
Now turn your phone back on. Once it's on the home screen continue with the next step. You should still be at the "c:\evo-recovery>" prompt.
5L) Now type (or cut/paste this)
Now you should be a "$" prompt
5M) Now
type (do not cut/paste this)
If you typed it correctly, you won't see any changes and the line will just repeat once, when you hit enter.
Then you will get a message that says "visit
http://bit.ly/ad0pRn in the EVO Internet browser app"
The website you visit doesn't matter. It just needs to be a flash site that will trigger the exploit. Here's what I used.
5N) Open the Internet browser on your phone and go to this website "www.tinyurl.com/evo1234"
Once the page tries to load, the info on the pc will change. It will say "refresh that page or reopen it, reboot and run part2"
On your phone's browser, you need to refresh the page.
5O) In the address bar of your phone's browser, on the far right, is the refresh icon. (Looks like 2 arrows in a circle) Hit refresh.
After the page reloads on the phone, go back to the command prompt on your pc. Make sure you're prepared for 5Q before you do 5P.
5P) Now
type (do not cut/paste this)
You're phone will reboot.
As soon as the phone turns back on, while it's still booting up and is on the "HTC EVO 4G" screen, you need to do step 5Q.
Remember in step 5K when you typed "adb-windows shell /data/local/part2" That was done so that now you don't have to type it again.
On your keyboard, you can use the "UP" arrow key to cycle through commands you previously typed in the command window. For step 5Q, you'll need to hit the "UP" arrow key until you get to "adb-windows shell /data/local/part2" that you typed earlier. Should only be "UP" arrow once or twice.
5Q) While the phone is booting up, on your keyboard hit the "UP" arrow key until you see the "adb-windows shell /data/local/part2" you typed in 5K. Once you see that, hit enter.
If you get a message that says "error: device not found" do it again. "UP" arrow once and hit enter. Keep doing this while the phone is booting up until you get a message that says "part 2 is scanning." This will not work until your phone connects to the pc. You have a very short window from the time it connects until it passes the "HTC" welcome screen. I just kept entering it over and over until it worked. I actually entered it 10x's before the phone actually connected and the command worked.
Alternately, if you have sounds enabled on your pc, you'll hear when the phone connects again and you can enter the code once it connects, but you have a small window of time.
If you miss your window, then it will just sit at the "part 2 is scanning" for a long time and your phone will go to the home screen.
Just power off the phone, and start again from this step. Remember to enter the code over and over while the phone is booting up.
If it works, you'll initially get a message that says "part 2 is scanning" then after a short time (mine took about 15secs) you'll get a message that looks similar to this
crw-rw-rw- root root 90, 2 2010-07-05 19:37 mtd1
That was the hard part. The rest is easy.
5R) Now type (or cut/paste this)
Now you should be a "$" prompt
5S) Now
type (do not cut/paste this)
cat /sdcard/flash_image > /data/local/flash_image
chmod 755 /data/local/flash_image
/data/local/flash_image misc /sdcard/mtd-eng.img
If you typed each line correctly, you won't see any changes and the line will just repeat once when you hit enter. Each command takes a second or two.
5T) Power-off your phone by holding the power-button for several seconds. The top choice is "Power Off."
5U) While holding "Volume DOWN", push the "Power" button so the phone turns on. You don't need to hold the "Power" button, but you do need to hold the "Volume DOWN" button. This will bring you straight to the bootloader screen which says
Just wait for a minute. It will read your storage card. This takes about 30secs and there is a progress bar on the top right. It's reading the PC36IMG.zip file you placed on the card.
5V) Once that's done, it says, "Do you want to start update?" Volume UP=YES Volume Down=NO. Hit "Volume UP" and then wait.
5W) Once that's done, it says, "Update Complete. Do you want to reboot device?" Volume UP=YES Volume Down=NO. Hit "Volume UP" and you will reboot.
5X) Once your back to the home screen, the EVO should be connected as "Charge Only"
Note: Make sure you have USB Debugging turn on
Menu>Settings>Applications>Development>USB Debugging
5Y) Open a "run" window by hitting the Windows key + "R" in the command line type (or cut/paste)
c:\evo-recovery\adb-windows shell
then hit "OK"
5Z) In the window that opens,
type (do not cut/paste this)
cat /sdcard/flash_image > /data/flash_image
chmod 755 /data/flash_image
/data/flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
reboot recovery
If you typed each line correctly, you won't see any changes and the line will just repeat once when you hit enter. Each command takes a second or two. The last command will reboot your phone into recovery mode.
5AA) From the list, use "Volume DOWN" to highlight "Wipe" and "Power" button to select it.
5AB) In the Wipe menu you're going to use the "Volume DOWN" to highlight "Wipe data/factory reset" and "Power" button to select it, then "Power" button again to confirm. Once it's done, repeat this step so you "Wipe data/factory reset" twice.
5AC) Use the "Volume DOWN" to highlight "Wipe Dalvik-cache" and "Power" button to select it, then "Power" button again to confirm. Once it's done, repeat this step so you "Wipe Dalvik-cache" twice.
Now push "Power" button to return to the previous menu.
5AD) Use the "Volume DOWN" to highlight "Flash zip from sdcard" and "Power" button to select it.
At this point every zip file on the root of your sdcard will show. Make sure you know which one you're using.
5AE) Use the "Volume DOWN" to highlight your rom or radio file and "Power" button to select it, then "Power" button again to confirm. Sit back and wait. Mine took about 2mins.
When it's done, hit "Power" button to "Reboot system now" and enjoy your rooted EVO w/ a custom rom.