First of all I'm no Programmer nor Part of the "L33T". I'm a "computer support specailist", so i know my way around the computer and I also love helping people
(I want to be a teacher).
Althought this is my first POST here hopefully it wil be a valuable one; I did the upgrade to my phone yesterday, so far it works great.
I don't want any credit for the knowledge in this post I got my information from Users, Users and Users
Also you may want to visit
I'm just going to compile their stuff in one post.
[The technique I'll being explaining will work with XP or Vista | pretty much any OS)
------- Preparation -------
First Sync your Phone! If you don't know how search the net on how to sync your phone using Activesync (XP) or Windows Mobile Device Center (Vista)
Other Notes:
These directions are for locked / stock bootloaders. If you have made any moddification please revert them back before doing the update, or else it will not work.
You'll need a program called winrar from (download it for your PC not for your mobile device). Install it on your computer.
Next you need to make sure you have a microSD card that is formatted in FAT32.
Place your microSD card in a card reader thats attached to your computer (if you don't have one buy one, and a microSD adapter). Autorun should popup, click open to view contents ...
Now make a folder on your computer and backup whatever files you have on the card. (I named the backup folder "T mSD 512", you can name it whatever you like).
After you have copied all the files from the card to your folder on your computer, Go to Computer/My Computer right click on the drive that has the card,(Make sure your selecting the right drive or else you may delete files you didn't want to delete

), after you right click a drop down menu will appear and you should see a command that says "Format..." click that. Now you will see the windows format utility. There are several drop down boxes, under file system select "FAT32". (All the contents on the card will be erased - make sure it was properly backed up before proceding) Then click start at the bottom. Windows will format the card to FAT32.
Now download this utility called
GetSPC. After you download it, extract the folder GetSPC on your microSD card. you should have three files in that folder.
"GetSPC(PPC 2003).exe"
Now place the microSD card back into your phone.
**On your MoguL**
Tap Start --> Phone.
With the key pad up tap the following sequence
Wait a sec and a new program named EPST should open, Tap View. A bunch of information will appear, the third line should be something called ESN(HEX): There are eight characters here.
*Back on your PC*
In your back up folder(T mSD 512), right click within an empty area and make a new text file. Name it "mogul keys.txt".
Double click to open the empty text file. The first line type,
ESN(HEX): [Type Your ESN from your Phone here]
(example: A1B2C3D4; case sensitive!)
**On your MoguL**
Now tap the right soft key (cancel) to close EPST.
You going to go to file explorer under programs, then open your storage card.
In there you should see the GetSPC folder. Open it and run the GetSPC file. Once the program is opened you will see two fields a field called input and one called output.
Type in your ESN(HEX) in the input field. Be sure to remember it's case sensitive! Click the Go button at the bottom and you will see a new number in the output field.
*On your PC*
"mogul keys.txt" The SECOND line you want to type,
ESN(HEX): [You ESN from your Phone goes here]
MSL : [Type here the six numbers from the output field on your phone]
(example: 123456)
**On your MoguL**
Tap OK to close GetSPC on your phone.
Tap Start --> Phone.
Now dial ##[MSL number]# (example. ##123456#)
In the menu Tap View.
*On your PC*
"mogul keys.txt" Add two last lines:
ESN(HEX): [You ESN from your Phone goes here case sensitive!]
MSL : [Type here the six numbers from the output field on your phone]
MDN: [Type the numbers you see on you phone here]
MSID: [Type the number you see on your phone here]
(Note: The last two lines are 10 digits - Might be the same number, might be your cell number)
Save the text file.
**On your MoguL**
click the right soft buton to close EPST
Place you memory card back in your card reader
------- Updating The Phone: -------
Download the test ROM from one of the following locations.
After the download is complete open it, (it should open with winrar now if not thats ok)
Extract the containts of the zipped package to where ever you like. You should have a file named,
you will need to rename that to
"RUU_TITAN_SPRINT_WWE_3[1].16.651.0_435009_RS3_27_00_SPCS_NV124.exe" <--
(missing the last 'e')
Now right click on
In the menu click WINRAR, Then click extract files. (you can extract where ever you like just remember where you have been extracting all the stuff so you can delete them afterwards). In the folder where you extracted the files you will find a file named "3.16.651.0.nbh". This file your going to copy to the microSD card. Once you have it on your microSD card rename it to "TITAIMG.nbh"
Place the memory card back into your phone.
Just in case you took a break or forgot, Sync your Phone!
Make sure you have a full battery,and charger near by.
------- Final Steps: -------
Now while holding down the power button and the camera button on the right side your going to press the reset button on the bottom of your phone with your stylus.(The reset button is to the left of the usb port, and below the microSD slot). Once you pressed these three buttons the phone will reset and being the update process. If it didn't try again.
You will see a multi-colored screen for a few seconds and then it will eventually ask you to press the power button to start the upgrade. I advise you plug in your charger and then press the power button to start the upgrade. The actual upgrade takes about 4mins.
Once the upgrade is complete it, you will see the black and red boot screen with the message not for sale at the bottom.
Once you complete the intial configuration of the phone, the phone resets and the sprint customization is complete.
Open the phone application, dial ##[MSL number]# (from the mogul keys.txt)
Now when EPST opens select "Edit". Enter your MDN and MSID numbers (from the mogul keys.txt).
Tap the right soft button, tap OK. Tap OK to reset your phone.
After the reset is complete open internet explorer to download you sprint vision services.