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Old 03-30-2010, 10:05 PM
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Re: ║║ ║Windows Phone®║ ║Sense UI 2.5║

Originally Posted by imaginethis1 View Post
i occasionally used to install a clock or some taskbar. but even if i keep everything nice and simple and then put in some quiclinks, it just gets pretty choppy coming out of home. can it be the type of program installed IN the quicklinks ((i highly doubt it))???
Not sure if it would cause that or not.

On another note, I don't know if others are the same as I am, but I don't use MS MyPhone or Windows Live, but found that both have a service that runs in the background whether you set them up or not. I was browsing the services in FDC Task Manager just for fun when I found them, and I set them both to manual so that they don't start up when the phone boots now. If others would like to do the same, here are two cabs (one for each) that will disable them. For people that want to know what this does, it will change the following key(s)


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Services\Windows Live]
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