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Old 10-28-2009, 02:59 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) ** | Oct 25th | Manila 2.1

UNFREEZE your 23081!!!!!!!!!!

I take no credit for the fix just found it and tested it. Thanks to root for backing me up on this. root was right about the benefits of the old Showcase. For those without a XDA account-get one-you'll need it to download the files. It's a great community too. Please go thank finsmaniac02

23081 - for whomever wants to "fix" email freezing

The solution I propose (easier than I thought it would be) is to download "e-Natives WM6.5.x Position Fix" from here:
This is just a simple cab that already has the registry setup to fix manila. I haven't found anything else yet that needs "fixed"
Also download "Showcase-1.0.1b" from here: (and if you want, also the "TEST FILE")

1) remove ShowcaseSuite.lnk from \Windows\StartUp\
2) install the position fix cab
3) install showcase 1.0.1b (if you get the TEST FILE too (supposedly makes showcase a little quicker to pop up after the first run) then just unzip these files to the \program files\e-Natives Technology\showcase and overwrite files)
4) run Showcase Settings and you will probably want "Hide Homescreen Icon" and "Close Button on Right" (if you do not have close on right, then you will have to start your finger in the upper right and "swipe" to the left to close (tapping in upper right default to minimize app) and you may want to add tmail.exe to the excluded processes (just personal preference, I think it makes messaging a little quicker to get to.
5) reboot

You should be "freeze free" with this method... although you'll have to do some start menu cleaning (delete the showcase that is already in "tools" and maybe move tese new links around). Also, either close everything in the upper-right, or just generally use the lower right stuff and check showcase now and then by pressing and holding the upper right.

All this work just to use the upper-right to close stuff again you say? Why not just use the older windows builds? Well I am battling with the same questions ha ha. I do like the more finger friendly windows menus though, and that is why I am (currently) using a 6.5.1 build

edit: I might be going back to the "stable" build haha. Just thought I would post this incase anyone is in love with the new build but doesn't want the email freezing

Now I was only really having MMS freezing but I sent pics without a problem. To test SMS I went into my MS Inbox and quickly jumped around in and out of messages-no freeze. I then did the same in email, jumped in/out and sent an email-no freeze. With this version of Showcase installed you will have an "invisible" X in the top right corner of the screen to close your program. This of course is provided there isnt a X in the bottom tray. Tested with Total Commander. Hope this works for you.

Edit:I didnt post the cabs/files because I feel the guys over at xda deserve the traffic/credit.

Last edited by iknowsquat; 10-28-2009 at 10:37 AM. Reason: Clarification
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