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Old 10-18-2009, 08:36 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23016) ** | Built Oct 13th | Manila 2.

ok, so i went to Verizon yesterday and got an Imagio. NRG, i owe you an appology bigger than the one I already gave. That thing is a piece of unstable shiznit!!!! It's running 6.5 9build 21xxx). Windows media player crashed the first time that I tried to use it. Voice command crashed and said it had to b re-installed. No flash on the camera. No hardware button to shut off the display. the reset button is behind the battery door that does not come off easy (almost tore off my thumb nail a couple of times). The stylus is hard to get out without fingernails and it's inconveniently located at the bottom left. I think that even worse than all that, with nothing loaded on it straihgt out of the box, it ran 20% higher memory consumption than my fully loaded NRG GENISIS Alltel TP with the same amount of RAM.

i could go on and on, but to shorten it up, I'm back on my TP 23.5 hours later. The gigantic screen and 5MP camera did not outweigh the fact that the operating system was completely unstable.

NRG, the Genisis build of your ROM is SOOOOOOO much more stable than the junk that Verizon is peddling. You can bet on me taking the Imagio back as soon as they have TP2s back in stock and flashing it with your ROM as soon as I get home. You will never hear a complaint from me again

Last edited by xpressyourcell; 10-18-2009 at 08:42 PM.
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