Manilla 2.1 Custom Weather - Add a City
1. Download
2. Download 2330fc3c_manila from this post or copy from your phones \Windows directory to PC
3. Open sqlieadmin and open that manilla file - Click on the edit Data tab in the middle of the screen then select "Tables\Cities" on the left. This should display the weather database.
4. Easiest way I have found is to find a city in your timezone you dont use and edited it to your personal city. Change the cityName, state, and
accuweather code. Check the site if your not sure of yours input your zip code search and check address bar for correct info.
5. Copy 2330fc3c_manila back to your phone then using Total commander or Resco Explorer copy it into \Windows and overwrite. Thanks to NRGZ already having
the necessary reg edit in this is all I think you should need to do.
Working for me so hope this helps someone..