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Conversation Between Riley and blasphemous_prime
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. blasphemous_prime
    04-04-2010 09:01 AM - permalink
    I know its hard, but records are made to be broken hehe
  2. Riley
    04-04-2010 12:12 AM - permalink
    1400 has been reached!
  3. blasphemous_prime
    03-19-2010 03:05 PM - permalink
    blasphemous_prime1,375Guess who's back! Back again! Prime is back! Once again!03-19-10 13:59rileyd51,310padding it a little. lol03-09-10 17:23

    On the day you managed to break your own record, you should've paid homage to Biggie
  4. blasphemous_prime
    02-18-2010 12:43 PM - permalink
    Ahhh, I told you to never let up, so I'll try to do it yet again.
  5. Riley
    02-18-2010 12:40 PM - permalink
    rileyd51,280yes.....02-18-10 11:38blasphemous_prime1,265That's what I got for ya champ. Now, I'm still not there yet.02-17-10 14:19
    another record, keep it coming!
  6. Riley
    02-17-2010 03:38 PM - permalink
    ok... guess we got ourselves a contest.
  7. blasphemous_prime
    02-17-2010 03:22 PM - permalink
    blasphemous_prime1,265That's what I got for ya champ. Now, I'm still not there yet.02-17-10 14:19rileyd51,230ok....whatcha got!!!02-17-10 13:38

    let's go beyond our potential my man.
  8. blasphemous_prime
    02-17-2010 01:03 PM - permalink
    blasphemous_prime1,205C'mon get up, champ! I got some more for ya!02-17-10 12:01rileyd51,195Yo adrian!!! I did it !!! 02-17-10 11:35

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