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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 01:05 PM
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[ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean ROMs

Welcome to my Kitchen!

Due to the overwhelming popularity of my themed Dusk and GTX ROMs I have decided to make some unthemed ROMs as well. These come in 2 flavors:

Clean - Same as Dusk and GTX w/CHT just no theme

Sqweaky clean - No CHT, Totally stipped down bare bones. WARNING:THIS ROM HAS VERY FEW APPS INSTALLED. You will need your own library of CAB files to do much with this ROM

Your phone must be HSPL Unlocked to flash this ROM and I accept no responsibility for anything that happens to you as a result of flashing my ROM to your phone.

Both ROMs have provisioning for Verizon, Sprint, USCC, Telus, and Generic built in, as well as XDA_UC for your own customizations right out of the box. Keep in mind, you will need your own keyboard CAB and Verizon users as usual will need the attached tjElite MMS fix included at the bottom of the post. I recommend that you put these files in your XDA_UC folder so they are always there.

If you like my ROMs but just want your own graphics I suggest CLEAN. If you totally want to make it YOUR WAY, I suggest Sqweaky CLEAN. Give it a try.



7/7 Clean W/CHT 1.8.5 manila 2012.14 Download HERE(21901)

7/7 Clean W/CHT 1.8.5 manila 2012.12 Download HERE(21901)

7/7 Clean W/CHT 1.8.5 manila 2012.12 Download HERE(23563)

7/7 Clean W/CHT 1.8.5 manila 2012.14 Download HERE(23563)

Download Sqweaky Clean HERE

Your phone has a tab, so follow me HERE

Sig pic for anyone who wants it
If I helped you, hit the THANKS button. If you like my work, Donations are not required but are appreciated.

Last edited by xpressyourcell; 07-23-2010 at 11:11 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 01:05 PM
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Re: [ROM] 5/4 - 23563 (2012.14)- XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean - No theme/Intall your own

Whotahn's guide for this ROM. THANK YOU to everyone I used info from in making this,. I will attempt to keep this post up to date with items so feel free to PM with info, BUT keep in mind that this is a guide not an every-step-how to manual that is constantly updated for every little thing…….that is what the thread is for.

IMPORTANT, KEY, VITAL, whatever you wanna call it! It is very key that you be familiar and comfortable with the entire process of unlocking, flashing, returning to stock, and relocking your device. If what I just said is gibberish…….this is aimed at YOU!! So here are some links to follow to read, read, read, & read some more about the Unlocking/Locking and Flashing processes. Failing to do so can lead to one heck of an expensive display model……..AND NONE OF US ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR IT EXCEPT YOU!!!



Wideawake’s SD ROM Flasher App: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=111602 A nifty lil’ tool for those of us that primarily flash form the SD. I encourage you to check this thread out for all the details. It is an awesome app.

1. YOU MUST CREATE A FOLDER IN THE ROOT OF YOUR STORAGE CARD NAMED "XDA_UC" EXACTLY AS IT IS HERE, WITH THE CAPITAL LETTERS AND UNDERSCORE. Any thing you put in this folder will auto install to the device. If you want something to auto install to the storage card, create another folder within "XDA_UC" called "SD". Anything you put into the "SD" folder will give you the option of device or storage card for installation.
2. All ROMS created after 4/16/10 will be cooked with provisioning. This means that you will need to have the correct Arcsoft and Keyboard configurations for your carrier. Put those 2 cabs in the XDA_UC folder on your storage card and your MMS and Keyboard should always work for you.
3. OK Flash junkies...Here's a trick for ya that you're gonna love...Tired of re-entering your twitter,facebook and youtube logins into manila everytime you flash? Go into TOTAL COMMANDER>\\Plugins>registry>HKLM>SOFTWARE>HTC>Now copy the HTCAccountManger folder and paste it into the XDA_UC folder on your storage card. BAM! Next time you flash, your accounts will be all set up for you!

For more information on using XDA_UC, go to the xda forum HERE

Last edited by xpressyourcell; 05-04-2010 at 01:17 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 01:06 PM
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Re: [ROM] 5/4 - 23563 (2012.14)- XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean - No theme/Intall your own

General ?’s
Q: Is XDA_UC, RunCC, SDConfig, SASHIMI or any other auto customization/backup tools included with this ROM?
A: Currently XDA_UC is now being cooked in . However Sashimi is verified working as is SPB backup.

Q: How can I stop the weather on the Home tab, it’s slowing everything down?
A: For Cookie the best option is to pick a quick link (QL) box and tap it/ then you will see the add program, add contact, add bookmark/ or the Weather Animation on/off option. Obviously in this case choose the weather animation option and add it to the QL. Then you can use that QL as an on and off switch for the weather animations. Although….If you change your WP and the animation is off it will automatically turn itself back on, easy fix though since you have that QL set up with the on/off switch. Another way to kill weather animations with Cookie is to reset the Wallpaper in this method: From the Home tab, click Menu/Home Wallpaper/Animated Wallpaper/ Here you can select an animated WP or you can select a still wallpaper by clicking “Albums” right softkey and search for your pic.

Q: What’s the report on battery life?
A: Largely depends on user and usage. It is impossible to accurately gauge battery life without letting the device go through a few cycles of charging.

System ?’s
Q: What version of Windows OS and Sense UI does this ROM sport?
A: Newest builds built with Manila 2.5.2012.14 with Doc,Reader,Facebook tabs added in. Windows 6.5.x build 23529.

Q: Does this ROM have stealth tethering for internet sharing?
A: Jep

Q: Is Wi-Fi Router stealth as well?
A: Ubetcha

Q: Is this ROM Cookie or MaxManila compatible?
A: CoOkie is cooked into the ROM.

Q: Can I use the FM radio with this ROM?
A: NOPE. The FM radio feature is not currently supported by CDMA devices due to hardware reasons. BUT: Internet radio is a go and Xpressyourcell has Slacker cooked right in!

Q: How much signal will I lose by installing this?
A: The radio controls your signal and roaming capabilities not your ROM. So the ROM can not affect your signal strength.

Try these methods before POSTING cabs or posting requests for cabs that you know have already been posted in the thread.

1) The “Paperclip” or threads Attached Files page allows you to view any files attached to a particular thread. Great for when you know what cab or file you want and know it was somewhere in the thread already. It is found by looking beside the Threads Title in the main forum you are in……. i.e. If you are in XYC CLEAN thread, back out of it to the CDMA TP2 Upgrades forum and find the XYC CLEAN thread again…..beside the thread title is an icon of a…….you guessed it…..a Paperclip. Click this icon to get to the attached files page and have access to all files uploaded to that thread. Very useful, I wish I would have learned this sooner! One thing to keep in mind though is PPCGEEKS is constantly filling up and using its storage resources to the MAX. PLEASE try not to post cabs and files that are already posted in the thread since they are all stored in the Attached Files page anyways. No need for 10 identical arcsoft cabs just because someone doesn’t want to take the time to use the Paperclip.

2) “Search Thread” found in the bar right above the first post of the page you are on, along with “view first unread” , “thread tools” “rating” and Display options which are pretty self explanatory and very useful as well. This “Search Thread” feature gives you the option of searching only in the particular thread you are viewing. Just as when you are in the main forum you can use “Search Forum” to search all threads in the forum.

Well that’s all for today my fellow………………….
“XYC Fanatics……….we're not addicts….it’s much more than that.” Whotahn

This took more than 10 minutes to do......PLEASE do not cut and paste it for your own........THANKS

Please Thank Whotahn for all his hard work on the FAQ's HERE

Last edited by xpressyourcell; 05-04-2010 at 01:19 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 01:13 PM
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Re: [ROM] 5/4 - 23563 (2012.14)- XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean - No theme/Intall your own


Yes, about time. Great Job XYC!

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 01:18 PM
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Re: [ROM] 5/4 - 23563 (2012.14)- XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean - No theme/Intall your own

This is it, thanks for making a clean rom!
1 of 3...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 01:57 PM
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Re: [ROM] 5/4 - 23563 (2012.14)- XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean - No theme/Intall your own

This is very cool. I always wanted a ROM with virtually nothing installed since MSVC makes my phone unusable on any ROM, plus I like installing the newest versions of stuff via cabs or Marketplace. This seems right up my alley. Thanks a ton!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 02:02 PM
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Re: [ROM] 5/4 - 23563 (2012.14)- XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean - No theme/Intall your own


Thanks....Downloading Now...

edit: squeaky clean ROM is unavailable via mega upload....?
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Last edited by info[]box1; 05-04-2010 at 02:28 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 03:09 PM
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Re: [ROM] 5/4 - 23563 (2012.14)- XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean - No theme/Intall your own

flashing! ill let you know how it feels!
WM 6.5 may be being phased, but the heartbeat of the windows mobile community is like a heard of elk.
Actually the windows mobile community is more like a rabbit family than a heard of elk. all it takes is a slight bit of action and next thing you know theres a million of them.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 03:31 PM
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Re: [ROM] 5/4 - 23563 (2012.14)- XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean - No theme/Intall your own

Filename: 5_4 Sqweaky CLEAN XYC 23563.zip
File description: 5_4 Sqweaky Clean 23563
File size: 147.31 MB
The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable.

Bummer, was looking forward to testing this ROM
Droid Incredible

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 03:55 PM
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Re: [ROM] 5/4 - 23563 (2012.14)- XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean - No theme/Intall your own

Originally Posted by JustDavid View Post
Filename: 5_4 Sqweaky CLEAN XYC 23563.zip
File description: 5_4 Sqweaky Clean 23563
File size: 147.31 MB
The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable.

Bummer, was looking forward to testing this ROM
Its available now... 15-20 min after my post...
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