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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2012, 09:59 PM
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Question Would you still pick SGS3 over Evo 4G LTE ?

Hi y'all. I also posted this in Evo forum.

I am due for an upgrade, and having given up on M$, narrowed it down to SGS3 and Evo 4G LTE.

On specs, SGS3 looks better - 2 GB RAM vs 1, removable battery, longer battery life, slightly better front camera. It is only $30 more at Wirefly. And when I held both in store, they looked and felt very close. I like to do some basic level multitasking - e.g. listen to the music while switching back and forth between editing a spreadsheet and browsing web - which is not a problem with a Windows phone. However, on my wife's older Android phone, I can't switch from a document and expect to find my cursor in the place I left it in. Very frustrating.

However, as I am reading online comparisons, I see a lot of people complaining about the overall build quality of Samsung phones, radio and WiFi signal strength, etc. Obviously there's probably no data on problems just yet.

OTOH, my HTC Touch Pro 2 has been very reliable from day one, and has better reception than my wife's LG Optimus. So, I don't want to go chase the specs and end up with a less reliable hardware.

If you have had a chance to use and compare both phones, I would love to get an unbiased opinion.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2012, 03:59 AM
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Re: Would you still pick SGS3 over Evo 4G LTE ?

There are cheaper places then wirefly when ordering upgrades. Like:

Costco Wireless - Big Savings on Cell Phones - Offering Plans from Verizon Wireless, AT&T, T-Mobile, and Sprint.

run by Costco.

GS3 = 149.99
EVO LTE=129.99
Earn some spare cash and get cash back at stores like NewEgg and more:


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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2012, 05:27 AM
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I love m GSIII and am glad I made the decision to stay Samsung.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2012, 05:23 PM
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Re: Would you still pick SGS3 over Evo 4G LTE ?

Well, muchas gracias to all who helped me. I went with Evo. No particular reason other than both phones felt very close in everything after I checked them out again in store, and I have had a great experience with HTC in TP2, so I went with the name I know.

BTW, at AmazonWireless.com, Evo is $99 with an upgrade.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2012, 05:54 PM
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Re: Would you still pick SGS3 over Evo 4G LTE ?

if the htc evo lte had a removable battery, I would have gotten it. I wouldn't care that the specs aren't as good, I really did enjoy sense. esp the keyboard. I got the s3 on a black friday deal, I had been out of contract for 6 months, and my last phone was the original evo. if the evo had more memory, I would have kept it, but android apps became too big and I was really limited to what I could install and run with any quickness. the s3 is a great piece of hardware, but software, it has crashed over a dozen times since I got it last week. I rooted it out of the box, removed everything they installed, tried to find a keyboard that works... all I want is the htc keyboard so I can use the phonepad t9. but they haven't hacked it for jelly bean yet. once they do that, I'll be happier with it. but yeah, removable battery. that's key for me. I ordered 2 batteries and a charger before I even got the phone.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2012, 11:08 PM
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Re: Would you still pick SGS3 over Evo 4G LTE ?

Originally Posted by ou2mame View Post
if the htc evo lte had a removable battery, I would have gotten it. I wouldn't care that the specs aren't as good, I really did enjoy sense. esp the keyboard. I got the s3 on a black friday deal, I had been out of contract for 6 months, and my last phone was the original evo. if the evo had more memory, I would have kept it, but android apps became too big and I was really limited to what I could install and run with any quickness. the s3 is a great piece of hardware, but software, it has crashed over a dozen times since I got it last week. I rooted it out of the box, removed everything they installed, tried to find a keyboard that works... all I want is the htc keyboard so I can use the phonepad t9. but they haven't hacked it for jelly bean yet. once they do that, I'll be happier with it. but yeah, removable battery. that's key for me. I ordered 2 batteries and a charger before I even got the phone.
Odd that it's giving you so much issues. I had no issues with it and rooted the stock rom for more functionality. I went to cm10 but missed touchwiz and many of it's features so I returned back.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2012, 08:58 AM
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Re: Would you still pick SGS3 over Evo 4G LTE ?

i've had htc for quite some time and i felt it was time to try something different.
i've had the mogul, touch pro, touch pro 2 and the evo.
i was eligible for an upgrade exactly 1 month ago and i went for the galaxy S3 and i am very happy with it.

removable battery
micro sd card
higher resolution display
more ram
faster dual core
built-in task manager and utility to free the unused ram.
netflix looks decent even on 3g, it just takes longer to get it started than wifi.
and i'm liking touchwiz quite a bit.

i've got some rammstein concert footage that i took with an hd camcorder and re-encoded it to a usable format and the parameters are very close to what came out of the camcorder and this phone plays it flawlessly (1920x1080, 18-22 Mbps, 384k audio .mp4)

i was rooted on the stock rom within a few days of getting it. looking forward to the premium suite upgrade 4.1.2

going on 1 month and no issues, not even a crash within the system.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2012, 05:13 PM
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Re: Would you still pick SGS3 over Evo 4G LTE ?

my s3 was crashing the day after i got it. it would just freeze, screen goes blank, and then it would auto restart. the weird thing is that it did this once while i was on a call, and the call didn't drop! it was like a seamless crash haha

i hard reset it, i did everything and it was still freezing on me. so i rooted it, removed everything, and it still froze. so i threw on freegs3 and its been fine. i think my rom was just corrupted from the start, nothing could be done about that besides reflashing a stock unrooted rom and then rooting it or something, but that seemed pointless because with a custom rom i will get ota updates before they're even released.

overall, the phone doesn't feel sturdy. i don't think it will last me 2 years just from how it feels. i could be wrong, but it just has that plastic feel to it that the evo didn't have, and the evo lte doesn't have. like i said, if the evo's battery was removable, i'd be holding that instead, but i'm out for days at a time and i don't want to have to worry about charging my phone.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2012, 02:47 PM
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Re: Would you still pick SGS3 over Evo 4G LTE ?

Mixed emotions for me.

I was Pro HTC. Loved look and feel of device and loved Sense.

The GS3 does feel plasticky lol.
But I love the phone. Miss some features of my ELTE.

But honestly, that thing crashed on me several times a day out of the box. Replacement I got did the same thing. Random reboots. Was not rooted. Completely stock. Not to mention the crappy mulit task on it. This is me coming from HTC diamond, every Touchpro, and every evo.

So far, the only issue I have with the GS3 as far as hardware is the Bluetooth and the keyboard. I do prefer HTC’s keyboard. And my Bluetooth disconnects during call and making call.

I have a Plantronics Voyager Legend. When I Have it connected to 2 devices, I have that problem. Only on the GS3. No other line out of my 10 has this issue. Happened before I upgraded the BT from The Voyager Pro about a week after Black Friday.
Also I’m right handed so I don’t really care for the powerbutton placement. I press it with my thumb and my fingers hit the volume button at the same time.

Other than that, I love it. Touch wiz is growing on me. I hated it on the Epic, but I still prefer sense better.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2013, 11:48 PM
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Re: Would you still pick SGS3 over Evo 4G LTE ?

Originally Posted by Amamba View Post
Well, muchas gracias to all who helped me. I went with Evo. No particular reason other than both phones felt very close in everything after I checked them out again in store, and I have had a great experience with HTC in TP2, so I went with the name I know.

BTW, at AmazonWireless.com, Evo is $99 with an upgrade.
Ur faked. Lol.
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