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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2012, 06:48 PM
bswxc5's Avatar
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Does Sprint support UTF-16 character encoding?

I tried the Sprint website. It's so hard to navigate their support forum I figured I'd ask here first, then if no luck, call them.

I have my keyboard on my phone (HTC Arrive for Sprint running WP7.5) set to English and Simplified Chinese. The system for writing out text on phones in mandarin is actually pretty slick, and I enjoy the ease of it. I can search things with mandarin just fine, but when I text message it runs into problems.

I can receive mandarin text perfectly fine, and I can write out a reply in mandarin and send it, but the recipient receives a blank, underlined space where my text should be.

If I can receive texts in mandarin, then it would appear Sprint supports UTF-16, right? But, then again, I am about 92% sure that my phone supports it based on how I'm using it so I don't think it's the actual phone. I think it's the network.

I realize this might be a general CDMA/GSM or even down to carrier discussion, but considering I have a WP7 device with this problem I thought I'd ask here.

BTW, I'm new here
Thanks for any replies.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2012, 10:20 PM
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Re: Does Sprint support UTF-16 character encoding?

It depends on the recipients phone I would suppose. Otherwise it might be a sprint network problem (wouldn't surprise me)
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Phone 7 > General Windows Phone 7 Discussions

chinese, mandarin, sprint, unicode, utf-16

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