- How To Install Android On Hd7
- In need of NoDo or previous Zune backup.
- WPCentral's review of AT&T HD7s
- Just a question - Swype??
- MAC addy, prob you all already know..
- I'm back! yay! lol
- Anyone tethering?
- Just in case...
- T-Mobile HD7 NoDo updates starts today
- HTC HD7s to AT&T
- upgrading my memory
- Is this phone coming to Sprint?
- update question?
- Some questions...
- Bad video quality. youtube and video camera playback
- Battery life for anyone use Exchange sync and BT at all times?
- non removeable memory card
- Get your HD7 for $99.99... NO BS!!!
- HD7 Low Volume Issue
- Got mine early!!!
- wow this phone looks awesome (video)