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Old 06-19-2009, 04:05 PM
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Phone has gone spastic

My TP (Sprint - stock) has decided to go spastic in numerous ways. I've had it a few months with no issues, suddenly I have more than my share with no reason... I didn't install anything or change the registry in any way. (I did remove an outlook account since I was laid off from the associated job)

Suddenly I've got the keyboard lag, the circling d-pad notifier lights don't always shut down, programs hang, TF3D has refused to respond to clicks/dpad movement, and the start button has ceased to function at times, with the TF3D being stuck in the foreground.

I've got to solve this and am hesitant to hard reset, run a non-stock rom, etc. I used to tweak the hell out of my Titan, but just want the normal function of my TP back without having to spend hours reinstalling my favorite apps, tweaking, etc. I plan on going to the official Sprint WM6.5 if and when it ever comes out, but beyond that would like to keep my phone as basic as possible for the moment. Anybody had this happen and have non-hard reset methods to fix it?
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