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Old 02-23-2009, 10:42 PM
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Re: Warez Vs. Tethering

Originally Posted by crazychef View Post
um your wrong... heres sprints policy on copyrighten materials..
You may not otherwise use, reproduce, download, store, post, broadcast, transmit, modify, sell or make available to the public content without the prior written approval of Sprint.

heres some things from MS' site: 1.
Just because a work does not include a copyright notice (e.g., © 2006 Microsoft Corporation) does not mean the work is in the public domain. Copyright notices are generally not required for works to be protected by copyright.
Just because a work is easily available on the internet or elsewhere does not mean you may use the work freely
Copyright law is different from the law of personal property. If you buy a physical object, such as a movie on DVD, or why not i our case a cell phone, you own the physical object. You do not, however, obtain ownership of the “copyrights” (the rights to make copies, distribute, make derivatives and publicly perform or display) in the content of the movie. The fact that you have obtained physical possession of a DVD does not automatically grant you the right to copy or share it.

The following is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. If you need legal advice, contact a lawyer.

What is copyright?

Copyright law protects original works, such as websites, books, music, paintings, photos and video. um wheres the word "software" everyones hiding behind?? a bOOK, painting, photos, videos is hardly software...A work is “original” if it contains some elements you created and did not borrow from others. Typically, when you create an original work, you own the copyright.
were not creating an original work, because we are borrowing the original works from a copyrighten program(ICS), that u had to borrow from MS?SPRINT?HTC(whoever u feel like hiding behind)and we dont own the copyright too..

so dont you see, applying a reg edit or cab file to someone elses original work(MS' ICS in this case), makes it a issue of copyright infringement

so guess what, Thats MS and Sprint saying you cant manipulate anything that they own the copyright too, otherwise your violating Copyright Law..
Did I strike a nerve

This off topic rant ends this debate.
“It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.”

Robert Kennedy

Ha y'all come visit me at WMExperts some time.
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