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Old 09-12-2008, 11:00 PM
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Re: Touchflo3d on HTC Touch Cruise.

The skin section have been moved to a new home. It has it's own thread now. Thanks for jdume for helping out and Also our skinning krew goddbody and wamu93. U guys are awesome! click the link for the official skinning thread.

For more skins, clocks and wallpapers. Thanks for twolf for his skin and this post at XDAThese are skins for the new today plugin called Manilla 2D, that you can get in this post:

U like black skin? Here yah go:

Just did a small work of passing some files to grayscale.
It was fairly easy, but took me a lot longer to understand that the files of the pictures area couldnt be changed by any software I had (they just stop appearing after being changed), so I just left those buttons blue, sorry about that...

Copy all the files in the zip to \Windows and re-install the original CAB to have the blue version back, enjoy.
One other thing, if you want to change the color of the font its in the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/HTC/Manilla2D/TodayItem (342.7 KB, 0 views)
Thread: Thanks twolf. this is awesome! keep it coming!

Add solid black bars. This tsk came from torx iphone theme. I hope torx don't mind. I did not change the filename in respect to torx. Thanks
screenshots of solid black bars is above

Add digital clock

Thanks to pcarvalho of XDA
TF2D digital clock...done
just install...

minor glitch when regional settings has hh:mm:ss: tt selected...please choose h:mm:ss tt format
Attached Filespcarvalho TF2D Digital (131.8 KB, 32 views)

ADD glossy black bars on it and were good to go!
glossy black bars screenies is the one with the digital clock above

Extract the file and put both files under Windows directory:

1. Then select the WM6.1 Black theme
2. Launch the Glossy Black Bars.exe
WM 6.1 Black Theme

Custom M2D weather graphics created by BeyondInvisible of XDA. Special thanks to emeraldayotte for looking up. Download below.

These weather graphics only work with Manilla 2D. This installation file won't work for SPB Mobile Shell.

Manilla 2D Weather Graphics

Installation instructions:

1. Download this file below from Megaupload.

2. Save or move it to one of your mobile directories/storage card

3. Run the .cab file

4. Edit the HTCHomeSettings.xml to replace this line:

<Property name="IDWEWG_WEATHER_POS" id="17" value="0,25,240,205" />

5. Save your edited HTCHomeSettings.xml and replace it in your phone \windows directory

6. Enjoy the new weather graphics.

If you like my works, please consider to donate. It'll be much appreciated.

Download-->> Manilla 2D Weather Graphic <<--Download



1. To remove the weather description, replace this:

<!-- <Property name="IDWEWG_WEATHERTEXT_RECT" id="38" value="0,141,240,22,15,136,290,22" /-->

2. To lower the city name down, replace this:

<Property name="IDWEWG_LOCATIONTXT_RECT" id="4" value="15,144,210,22,15,136,290,22" />

3. To delete the half separator line (above the weather description), replace this:
<!-- <Property name="IDWEWG_SEPERATELINE_POS1" id="31" value="68,143,37,145" /-->

Custom TouchFLO 2D Dialer skin (V1.0 RELEASED)
This awesome dialer is made by pauldgroot of XDA.
follow the thread here:

Here it is, the release of my TouchFLO 2D dialer skin.

Install notes:

1. Remove all previous dialers installed. (when asked for restart click cancel)
2. Copy cab to phone and install.
3. Soft Reset.

Finally with help from signal34 and thormdac I have released two addons for Smartdialing and redialing.
  1. PdG Redial is only redial.
  2. PdG Smartdial is redial and smartdial.
  1. Instructions:
    First install one of the dialer cabs and then install one of the addon cabs.
    To revert back to the original state first uninstall the addon and then reinstall the dialer.
CABS for Redial and Smartdial.
  1. PdG Redial ---> here.
  2. PdG Smartdial > here.

I also see my work is being published on other (warez)sites. I am ok with that but please give me a notice before posting it on your website.

I would love to see some donations. I notice a lot of my work is being downloaded over a couple of thousand times and I have only recieved about five or six donations. So if you want my work to remain free, please consider a donations. This is not because I want to earn money here but if you could spare a few bucks you will encourage me to make more skins and publish them here on XDA.

Credit goed out to andradenation, he gave me a concept wich I worked out!
Attached FilesPdG TouchFLO 2D Dialer Clean (895.7 KB, 453 views)PdG TouchFLO 2D Dialer Letters (913.8 KB, 695 views)

Some useful tips from our members on post #3
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Last edited by jethro_static; 10-17-2008 at 11:37 PM.
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