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Old 09-09-2008, 05:21 AM
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Cluelss- how can I listen to talk radio w phone?

My new office is in the basement of a 3 story building and i can't get any radio stations. We ar enot allowed to use the companies internet for this purpose, and they do monitor internet usage. I have a new verizon modem (UM175 USB Modem). I get excellent cell phone service so i thought there must be a way to use a phone or some device with this modem to get talk radio if not internet access.

it's time to renew my "renew every two". Is there a way to use any Verizon phone for the internet, andspecifically talk radio? Do i need the modem? 9i don't want to haul my laptop into work.) if i can accomplish this with a Verizon phone, what plan do i need/

Am i better off buying a basic small pc (some are about the same money)?
Thanks for any suggestions,
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