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Old 06-30-2008, 05:28 PM
retrobits's Avatar
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Re: Best Games for Sprint Touch, free or paid?

For some great alternative games, try Java!!

My favorite games are Orcs & Elves (I and II) and Doom RPG -- made by John Carmack of Doom/Quake fame. They are turn based rpg/strategy java games and run great under the latest Esmertec Jbed 20080222.3.1. Easiest way to install is here
plus you get Opera and Gmail ready to go too!

The best versions of these java apps to use with the Touch and latest Jbed are the following:
orcs and elves -- version 1.1.16
orcs and elves ii -- version 4.1.30
doom rpg -- version 1.0.20 (newer versions seem to crash under jbed)

These will usually be in jar file format, (i.e. orcsandelves.jar) and can be installed into Jbed by selecting Install -> Local Files.

To play on the touch, the dpad and action button works great. Only problem is how to pop up the menu to get to items/save/quit/etc. My solution is AE Button Plus and MortScript (just google to find 'em) to map the camera button to number zero key. Just set AE Button plus to map "Button 1" to Run Application and enter the following command:

MortScript "/Storage Card/sendkeys.mscr"

Just create a text file (i.e use notepad in windows) called sendkeys.mscr in the root of your storage card that contains the following line of code:


Note: That is a zero in the above line of code!

This technique can be used to play many other games and AE Button Plus can also map red/green/volume, plus long press, double press, etc which should give you plenty of buttons.

Java Lemmings (I'm running version 1.1.69) is also a fabulous port, it was produced by ifone and supports full touchscreen and music through Jbed. No AE Button mapping needed to play this one!

Last edited by retrobits; 06-30-2008 at 05:34 PM.