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Old 02-22-2007, 05:48 PM
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Big Tone
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WTF! Issues with Voice Command

I've had this program installed for a couple weeks now and until the last couple days I have really enjoyed it.

All that changed the end of last week when, due to an issue with some software, I had to hard reset my phone. I reinstalled all the programs I wanted and left the ones I didn't know were still there off.

Now, I know according to the VC site our phone isn't supposed to send call announcements to the BT headset, but mine was! I don't know what hack or other 3rd party program that may have made that possible, but it was working. Now it's not.

Does anyone know if there is a hack or a 3rd party app that will allow the voice annoucements to be sent to the BT headset? I wish I knew what it was that I did, but I don't and now I'm pissed!

Please help!
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