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Old 06-25-2013, 10:27 PM
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Re: Good time to leave TP2?

Originally Posted by cmajewsk View Post
You're replying to topic that hasn't seen life in two years, about a phone which nobody uses anymore, that runs an OS that was discontinued and replaced years ago...why?
what topics aren't old? I still use my winmo phones. wm6.5 is still an actively available phone on sprint. and apparently the laws microsoft helped the government write in the 90's don't apply to mobile o/s and therefore they don't have to support it for 5/10 years like the PC.
oh yeah and the 'replacement' o/s has already been 'replaced' wonder when it will happen again? I bet soon. we spent many years getting windows mobile to a very usable pocket pc. tired of making things work like I want them to and the other options have been more of the same, so I stick with what works.

also I decided that until sprint actually got 4g in my state I wouldn't pay an extra $10 for no added service. I am perfectly happy sticking with an "old" device. (my laptop is older than my tp2.)
besides my tablet still works off my tp2's wifi.

/end rant. lol
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