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Old 08-31-2012, 04:40 PM
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Re: Would you pick Evo over Samsung Galaxy S3 and why ?

Well, I stopped by at Sprint store and played with both devices again.

Samsung seems just a tad more responsive, but the difference is so small it may be just my imagination.

Samsung actually had better signal than Evo - -78db vs -74db. Again, the difference is pretty marginal.

Evo's screen was noticeably - not a whole lot, but visibly - brighter (both set at max brightness). And it seemed just a tad "crispier" but not by much. I had them side by side running the same webpage (Google Play).

I checked the battery and Evo was at 6 hrs xx min standby at 85%, Samsung at 6 hrs xx min 89%. Again, don't know how significant it is.

Samsung had a deep, long, wavy scratch on screen. How do you ever scratch Gorilla glass ? Somebody must've been busy with their keys .

I did check the multitasking by opening a SMS, typing a few letters, switching to Contacts, starting a new contact with a few letters, then switching back. Samsung switched back without a problem. Evo re-loaded all from scratch when I used home or back buttons, but kept the text I typed when I used "recent" button. I wish I could see if I could play some music in the background on Evo while typing, but they had no music loaded on either phone. (Can you do it on your Evo ?)

Basically, I think I have my mind set on Evo. I can measurebate both phones for another month, of course, but at this point it seems that they are very close, and I am leaning towards Evo simply because I had nothing but great experience with Touch Pro 2, while I have no experience with Samsung.

ADDED: Just ordered 4G LTE at for $99, no tax, no shipping fee. Can't beat it !
Life Lessons: KISS. RTFM. Don't sweat the small stuff.

Last edited by Amamba; 08-31-2012 at 04:50 PM.
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