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Old 01-16-2012, 03:27 AM
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Talking Re: [TESTING] - NAND OMGB (1.2.3)

New release out. 1/16/2011


1) Add code to append a self generated serial number on the cmd line. (kernel part is still missing but at least the hard part is done)
2) replace some google usb id's with HTCs. This makes it easier on XP to recognise fastboot.

1) Enable 3.5mm support for cdma rhods
2) Use HTC ids for RNDIS instead of googles.
3) Add some debugging code to help identify the sub variants.

1)Included all the csvs from all variants. They are located in /system/etc/audiofiles/. This way we can swap and try if needed.

These are the default files being used per variant:
Rhod300 -> AudioPara3_ATT.csv
Rhod100 -> AudioPara3.csv
Rhod210 -> AudioPara3_TMO.csv
Rhod400 -> AudioPara3.csv
Rhod400 -> AudioPara3.csv

The CDMA rhods have 2 other Para files (AudioPara3_Rhodium#W_umts.csv and AudioPara3_umts.csv). To swap them for testing, you will need to do the following

./adb remount
./adb shell
cp -f /system/etc/audiofiles/cdma/<whatever para file>.csv /system/etc/AudioPara3.csv

To upload your own, just "adb push <mycsv.csv> /system/etc/

You will need to reboot once swapped.

Now that we are all on the same build, we can begin testing and releasing test updates like crazy until next month.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that the first ring will always fail on CDMA. The rings following seem to work fine.

Last edited by [ACL]; 01-16-2012 at 03:39 AM.
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