Originally Posted by Sharkie405
Ok so here's the deal, to make Telenav auto rotate you must make these regedits:
Then in this key:
add this line:
Now, the tricky part is the next and last edit. We need to add the telenav entry to this key:
One must know the main class of the app that one wants to auto rotate. I don't know the Telenav main class and a google search for it didn't bring up any results. If you really want to get it done, I think you'll have to flash a ROM that has Telenav autorotating and look in that registry at the last string I mentioned and see what they have as the "main class" for telenav. Without setting that main class entry, it won't work. Sorry that I don't have an instant answer for you.
So Elesbb sent me a copy of his HKCU registry so I could try and help him with some other issues and lo' and behold what do I see but this line:
I tried adding this and I'm pretty sure that it works. I don't have full access to Sprint Nav because I can only connect to wifi, but the app started to auto rotate in as many screens as I was able to access. So give adding all those lines a shot and let me know if it works.

If it does, slap a thanks on Elesbb!