Thread: HTC 7 Titan
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Old 10-05-2011, 11:08 AM
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Re: HTC 7 Titan

I thought about the larger screen being a little friendlier to my fingers. I can usually get by well enough when I turn the Arrive on it's side and the larger keys present themselves. It's always when I am trying to use it in it's normal orientation that my fingers don't want to hit the right key. I'm not really sure how much bigger Length/Width wise a .9in Diagonal truly is but maybe it really could make the difference. It's been a few years since I did real Calculus and Geometry.

OK, found a simple calculator online. Assuming 16:9 aspect: 3.8= 3.31w x 1.86h 4.7= 4.09w x 2.03h (Inches)

Imagine it laying on it's side and it might just work.

Last edited by JohnMcD348; 10-05-2011 at 11:15 AM.