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Old 07-30-2011, 05:26 PM
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[ACS][Theme][EC05] Honeycomb Fuschia

Honeycomb Fuschia

Thanks goes to Maddoggin for the 6 lockscreen mod for the Epic.

Sbrissen for the orginal mod on the Facinate.

Fernando Sor for the transparent facebook app.

Timberwolf, Dreamsforgotten, Thomasskull666, ptfdmedic, Mystery Emotions for all the help, past, present, and future.

JohnCorleone, The Tester as he's known in these parts.

SladeNoctis, Honeycomb Fusion Epic

ObsessionXYZ, Honeycomb for the i9000

Copy to SD Card
Boot into recovery
Wipe Dalvik
Flash and enjoy

You must be on a deodexed rom to use this!

Disclaimer: If your phone has any issues, you are flashing at your own risk, so not my problem.

Known Issues:
Blue text in the settings submenus (working on)
Download link

Remember to clickon those who help! It's right down there.
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