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Old 07-16-2011, 09:01 AM
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Re: Otterbox Defender holster crap quality plastic!

I didn't realize that is what that tab was for. I thought it was for the kickstand but when I tried it my setup kept falling forward and I hated it cause I would always accidentally catch on it while putting it on my belts...some of which are kind of thick. Whenever I use my holster as a stand I rotate the clip so it is horizontal and it works as a stand.

I dont think the holster as a whole is made out of crap plastic. The problem is just how small and thin that little tab is. I found it annoying for the accidental catching and was worried it would break on it is own so I considered breaking it myself...but then it finally broke on its own lol. Since it broke though I have been happier with the holster/case setup as a whole.
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