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Old 03-31-2011, 01:21 PM
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Re: [MOD] 15% below battery fix for camera and video *Updated 03/30/2011*

Midnight Rom has the camera, music player and video player mod. Please check out his website at you and find it under his android development section.

NOTE: There are two patches. Please install the correct Patch based on the midNIGHT ROM v5 you are using.
NOTE: This is a PATCH upgrade. This is not a stand alone ROM. You need to have a midNIGHT v5 ROM installed prior.
NOTE: It’s NOT advised to let your battery completely die when using a ROM with Journaling OFF.
NOTE: Keep in mind that the battery modded apps WILL function until the battery is completely dead.
Change Log: Based on Bonsai v4.0.1
New boot and shutdown animations (Thanks optmsprim2)
New kernel (Thanks to Bonsai)
Battery modded apps no longer close at 15% battery: Thanks to k0nane)
-music player
-video player
Clock is restored to notification bar (Thanks to Bonsai)
Stock Framework
Removed 1% battery mod (flash a theme if you want it back)
Added reboot option to stock framework (Thank to MysteryEmotionz for the Policy.jars)
Modem will now upgrade DI18 AND EB13 to EC05 (HUGE THANKS to Bonsai)
AppWidgetPicker Updated (Thanks boombuler)
Voodoo Sound (Thanks to Bonsai)
Added Voodoo control app to data (removable)
4G Hotspot tethering with Samsung Epic just start 3G first and then start up 4G otherwise your phone will restart. wifi_tether_v3_0-pre10.apk wifi_tether_v3_0-pre12.apk

Please don't forget to thank me.
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