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Old 02-25-2011, 01:08 AM
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Re: [ROM] midNIGHT ROM v4.0 (BYOR Edition) 2/24/2011

Originally Posted by ptfdmedic View Post
My themes seem to work fine but they aren't "heavy" themes. I chat with mystery later and get the details. I might have to rebuild my themes..sigh..

..and yeah it's heavily downloaded. I have had over 4000 hits today alone... I can't even access my blog half the time today..... Hopefully that means a lot of Autism Awareness is being spread.
Yeah, I use EB myself, but remove most of his apps from it. Like I said, wasn't 100% but I was reading some of his post's about themes. I'm trying to learn how to do some myself. My TP2 roms were almost completely my own created theme, so wanting to do the same over here. All I have done is Launcher Pro. (The rest not going well)

Remember to clickon those who help! It's right down there.
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