Since it seems new roms are on there way out, here is a interesting bit of info on O/Cing.
I have alway used the OC_auto method simply because it worked well and I saw no reason to change. This weekend my phone started slugging and I realized that my O/C wasn't working. So I un-installed all the OC_auto stuff and decided to try Winmospeed. It seemed apples to apples until I checked my free ram and saw I had 8 extra megs!
Thinking this must be a fluke , I desided to do an official test. I got out my TP2 with cracked case and this is what I did:
Wipe info>soft reset>install O/C>softreset again>verify O/C working>let stabilize for 15 miniutes>check free ram.
The results were:
OC_auto 64 megs free
Winmospeed 70 megs free
I cannot speak to long term stability on winmospeed, but the free ram makes this an easy choice.
Hope this helps someone besides me
